Yes, that's correct, you are not mistaken, you are looking at a picture of the winning team, the Gold Medallists, the "Numero Unos", the "Hombres", the "Poderosos"... Ok, I may be getting a little carried away but it is the first gold medal I have ever won. As Peter McLeod Senior, aka David put it "Haven't won one of these since the '36 Olympics!"
The event was a the Pro - Celeb Fly Fishing day at Meon Springs in aid of the Children's Trust. For anyone not familiar with them, a remarkable charity bettering the lot of handicapped children with complex care and therapy needs. The fishing was organised by Fish & Fly and a really good turn out ensued. On the celeb front the highlight was definitely Ian Botham who added stature and panache to the event, although not quite as much as Steve Edge (see below). On the pro front, aside from my captain of the winning team (did I already mention that we won???) Peter McLeod, such luminaries as Charles Jardine, Robin Elwes etc etc were in attendance.
Very importantly the day put pay to one of fly fishing's oldest conundrums. "Does Grant Harris of Sportfish actually fish??" This question stood, until last friday, alongside such brain teasers as "Do Salmon feed in Rivers?", "Does the moon affect trout feeding patterns?", "Is the earth truly round?". Well, my friends, I saw it with mine own eyes. Not only does he fish, he catches too!

I have to mention an amazingly moving speech by a 20 year old whose life was transformed by the Children's Trust. He had been given up for lost after being run over by a car at the age of 10. He was told he would never walk again. After 2 years' care by the Trust, he left riding a bicycle and went on to be a paralympics gold medallist and completed the London Marathon. Remarkable young man and an icon of the human spirit.
Neil Freeman conducted a very entertaining auction that included some very desirable fishing days, meals and artwork. Surprisingly, although the object was to raise money, it was quite clear that some of the bidders walked away with some absolute bargains. My favourite was a table for 10 at the House of Commons that no one wanted to bid on. Sign of the times methinks!!! In the end it was snapped up for £500. Bargain methinks!!!
Anyway, back to important things. Team McLeod/Latin American Fishing Co. snatched gold with a total weight of 38lbs. Sorry, did I mention that already?
Ian Botham tells Pete a thing or two about fishing
Neil Freeman conducted a very entertaining auction that included some very desirable fishing days, meals and artwork. Surprisingly, although the object was to raise money, it was quite clear that some of the bidders walked away with some absolute bargains. My favourite was a table for 10 at the House of Commons that no one wanted to bid on. Sign of the times methinks!!! In the end it was snapped up for £500. Bargain methinks!!!
Anyway, back to important things. Team McLeod/Latin American Fishing Co. snatched gold with a total weight of 38lbs. Sorry, did I mention that already?

By the way, yes, I know, there are far too many pictures of Pete, but what can I do?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with too many pictures of Peter McLeod..... He is an extremely good looking if a little rotund....
ReplyDeleteActually next to me and Botham, you look quite lythe.