I am very happy to announce that I shall be hosting a group to Los Roques, Venezuela in June 2010 in conjunction with Aardvark McLeod.
Fishing on Los Roques has become synonimous with the archipelago’s pancake flats, as well as gin-clear water and large numbers of bonefish. Crucial to successful fishing in the area are the tides in order to maximise the amount of time on the flats. Thanks to Aardvark McLeod’s close ties with Chris Yrazabal, one of Los Roques’s most experienced guides, we have been able to secure the very best tidal weeks.
June is a particularly good month as the fishing is excellent, but it is also traditionally a quiet month meaning much less pressure and better access.
Los Roques is famous for its consistently high numbers of bonefish with an average size of 3 to 4lbs with many fish over 5lbs landed throughout the season. Recently many fish between 7 and 10lbs have been caught. In addition to bones, Tarpon of up to 100lbs have been caught in the channels and occasionally on the deeper flats. There are permit there, but they should definitely be seen as a bonus. There is also great fishing for snook, barracuda, cero mackerel, bonito, several species of snappers and, of course, jacks.
Accommodation will be at the lovely Acuarela Lodge, only 3 minutes from the beach on Gran Roque.
We will be leaving the UK on Saturday 5th June, landing back at Heathrow on Sunday 13th June.
Please click here for a slideshow of Los Roques as well as some more info.
A hosted trip is a great option for those of you who may be new to bonefishing, or indeed saltwater fly fishing, as well as anyone who has never travelled to South America before.
Several places on this trip have already been booked, but there are some rods left so please let me know if you would like to join us.
You can send me a message by clicking here